This page contains a list of selected German-language lectures and presentations given by and in connection with MICHAEL THIESS Management Consultants. Upon request, we will be happy to send you individual articles in full.
Presentation on “Neurofeedback Netzwerk”
Guest lecture by Lena Riedl as part of the Germering health fair, Germering
Changemanagement im Rahmen der Strategieimplementierung (Change Management within the Framework of Strategic Implementation)
Guest lecture by Svenja Reiniger as part of the course in management of social innovation at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich
Risikomanagement als unterstützende Führungsfunktion (Risk Management as a Supporting Function of Management)
Lecture by Dr. Astrid Heilmair as part of the expert meeting on “Risk and Opportunity Management” held by the firm Wilken Entire in Düsseldorf
Erfolgsfaktor Kundenbeziehungsmanagement (Customer Relationship Management as a Success Factor)
Lecture by Dr. Astrid Heilmair as part of the expert meeting on “Customer Relationship Management in the Elderly Services Sector” held by the firm Wilken Entire in Düsseldorf
Erfolgsfaktor Kundenbeziehungsmanagement (Customer Relationship Management as a Success Factor)
Lecture by Dr. Astrid Heilmair as part of the expert meeting on “Customer Relationship Management in the Elderly Services Sector” held by the firm Wilken Entire in Berlin
Personalmanagement – Herausforderungen ganzheitlich meistern (Human Resources Management – Overcoming Challenges Holistically)
Lecture by Michael Thiess as part of the 4th “Forum Altenpflege” (Forum on Elderly Services), the expert forum of the social services department of the City of Munich, Munich
Der Weg in die Veränderung – Change Management von der strategischen Entwicklung bis zur operativen Umsetzung (The Road of Change – Change Management from Strategic Development to Operational Implementation)
Lecture by Michael Thiess as part of the apetito expert meeting “Allein verloren, in der Gruppe stark – Vernetzung von Kompetenzen schafft Mehrwert” (“Weaker Alone, Stronger Together – Networking of Expertise Creates Added Value”), Stuttgart
CRM als wesentlicher Bestandteil systematischen Belegungsmanagements (CRM as a Significant Component of Systematic Occupancy Management)
Lecture by Michael Thiess as part of the customer reference day held by systema Deutschland GmbH, Weimar
Strategisches Marketing im Altenpflegemarkt (Strategic Marketing in the Elderly Care Sector)
Lecture by Juliane Quaranta-Hoflin as part of the Master’s study course in consumer healthcare at the teaching hospital Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Zukunftsorientierte wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Aus- und Weiterbildung (Future-oriented Further Education and Training in Business)
Lecture by Michael Thiess as part of the 1st alumni symposium at the SRH University Berlin
Wie sich die Kundenansprüche an Pflegedienste und stationäre Einrichtungen verändern werden (How Customer Requirements Regarding Care Services and Inpatient Facilities Are Changing)
Lecture by Juliane Quaranta-Hoflin as part of the 8th PPM Pro PflegeManagement congress 2010, Berlin
Erfolgreich im Wettbewerb bestehen – Strategisches Marketing und Belegungsmanagement als Erfolgsfaktoren in der Sozialwirtschaft (Successful in Competition – Strategic Marketing and Occupancy Management as Success Factors in the Social Economy)
Lecture by Juliane Quaranta-Hoflin as part of the 1st IT industry day for the social economy held by systema Deutschland GmbH in Leipzig and Ulm
Strategisches Marketing als erforderliches Instrument im zunehmenden Wettbewerb (Strategic Marketing as a Successful Instrument in Increasing Competition)
Lecture by Juliane Quaranta-Hoflin as part of the CARE INVEST – Business Briefings, Berlin
Systematisches Belegungs- und Kundenbeziehungsmanagement in der stationären Pflege (Systematic Occupancy and Customer Relationship Management in Inpatient Care)
Lecture by Juliane Quaranta-Hoflin as part of a series of events by the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Munich
“Wissen ist Macht” – Information macht mächtiger: Soziale Unternehmen aus Privatwirtschaft und Gemeinnützigkeit im Wettbewerb (“Knowledge is Power” – Information Makes Us Mightier: Private and Non-Profit Social Enterprises in Competition)
Lecture by Michael Thiess as part of the SAP info day on the social economy, Walldorf